library(ggplot2); library(dplyr)
#url <- "URL TO SHEET HERE" # hidden
Sex Discrimination Case Study
Load libraries and specify URL to google sheets (hidden)
Import data and visualize
<- read_sheet(url) %>% select(mfdiff = `(Male - female) difference`)
ggplot(, aes(x = mfdiff)) +
geom_dotplot() + theme_bw() +
geom_vline(xintercept = .292, color = "blue") +
xlab("point estimate")
Describe the distribution of this graph. What does it seem to be centered around?
The distribution of the point estimate (\(p_m-p_f\)) is bell shaped and symmetric around 0, with an outlier up around 0.4. All simulated differences except one are below the 0.292 mark.
In what percent of simulations did we observe a difference of at least 29.2% (0.292)?
table($mfdiff > .292) |> prop.table()
0.94444444 0.05555556
In our analysis, we determined that there was only a 5.6% chance of obtaining a sample where \(\geq\) 29.2% more male candidates than female candidates get promoted under the null hypothesis, so we conclude that the data provide evidence of sex discrimination against female candidates by the male supervisors.